GAC Group Released the 2022 Social Responsibility/Social Value/ESG Report and Launched the Sanjiangyuan National Park Environmental Protection Project.

2023-05-17 16:24:52




GAC Group Released the 2022 Social Responsibility/Social Value/ESG Report and Launched the Sanjiangyuan National Park Environmental Protection Project.

On May 17, GAC Group issued three reports, i.e., the 2022 Social Responsibility/Social Value/ESG Report, and launched the Sanjiangyuan National Park environmental protection project at the GAC Technology Museum in Nansha District, Guangzhou. The three reports were issued in accordance with the requirements of the three domestic and overseas capital markets or regulatory authorities (i.e., the A-share market, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the H-share market, respectively). GAC Group is the first among the major domestic automobile groups to synchronously release comprehensive reports on social responsibility, social value, and ESG. This milestone signifies that GAC Group diligently fulfills its corporate social responsibilities in strict accordance with high requirements and standards.

At the release event, GAC Group, along with six institutions and investment enterprises, including GAC R&D Center, GAC Motor, GAC Aion, GAC Honda, GAC Toyota, and GAC Business, jointly released the "Green GAC, Strives for Future Smart Travel: 2022 Social Responsibility Report of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd." The report focuses on two core areas: low-carbon development & environmental protection and traffic safety. It provides a detailed account of GAC Group's sustainable development exploration and achievements in ESG (environment, society, and corporate governance) from the perspectives of corporate and responsibility governance, mobility service, low-carbon travel, and corporate ecology.


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